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  • 3-day Workshop - Karen Margulis PSA IAPS-MC - The Mystery and Magic of the Underpainting: Unlocking the Key to Successful Underpaintings

3-day Workshop - Karen Margulis PSA IAPS-MC - The Mystery and Magic of the Underpainting: Unlocking the Key to Successful Underpaintings

  • 03 Oct 2016
  • 9:30 AM
  • 05 Oct 2016
  • 4:30 PM
  • The McDowell Art Center, East 123 McDowell St., Matthews, NC
  • 0


  • $100 deposit due now to hold your spot.
    Member Balance due 1 month before workshop begins, Sept. 2nd - $275, Non - Member - $300

Registration is closed

 Karen Margulis PSA IAPS-MC, was born in Connecticut and raised in South Florida. She currently lives in Marietta, Georgia. Karen received her BA in Education from the Univ. of Florida. Karen's primary medium is pastel, although she enjoys all mediums. She is a Master Circle recipient of the International Association of Pastel Societies and a Signature Member of the Pastel Society of America. She is also a Member of Excellance in the Southeastern Pastel Society. Her landscape and wildflower paintings have received recognition in many International exhibitions including PSA and IAPS, where her Queen Anne's Lace painting won the 2011 poster competition. Karen's work has been featured in the June 2014 issue of Pastel Journal. Her painting, Summer Reprise, was chosen for the cover image. Karen is a Daily Painter and art blogger. She teaches workshops and classes throughout the Southeast and online. Karen's passion for art education is expressed on her art blog, Painting My World, where she shares art tips and inspiration every day.

Workshop Information

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There are many ways to begin a pastel painting. The underpainting choices we make can have a huge impact. Making underpainting decisions can be complex and confusing. It doesn't have to be. I have the secret to underpainting success!  In this 3-day workshop, we will unlock the secret to successful underpaintings.  We will discover simple ways to start a pastel painting that will lead to a more satisfying finish.  We will work on Uart paper and discover how this versatile sanded surface is ideal for underpainting techniques. Workshop open to all levels. There will be daily demos, handouts, and plenty of individual help at the easel.

 Lunch is included. Member Price $375, Non-Member $400,

 $100 deposit required to register. Balance is due Sept. 2nd.


Piedmont Pastel Society Charlotte, North Carolina

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