Piedmont Pastel Society

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  • Jeri Greenberg- Telling A Story With Figures

Jeri Greenberg- Telling A Story With Figures

  • 21 Apr 2018
  • 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
  • McDowell Art Center, 123 W. McDowell St., Matthews, NC 28105


(depends on selected options)

Base fee:

Registration is closed

JERI GREENBERG WORKSHOP  jerrigreenbergart.com


Come watch a story unfold as we look at photos of people in everyday life going about their business, and paint their story that we see happening. 

"When I photograph someone (surreptitiously!) I've already made up a story in my mind of how I want that painting to look, and what I want it to convey. But once it's finished,  I don't care if the viewer's story is different than mine, I just want the viewer to see a story in that painting."

Jeri Greenberg, PSA, M-IAPS

Bring your photos, your pastels, and your stories, and let's have some fun.

Lunch from 12:00-1:00 is included for workshop participants.

The workshop will begin at 1:00.

Members: $50.00, Non-Members: $60.00

Supply list will be sent to participants.

Questions- Contact Anne Strutz at annestrutz65@gmail.co

Piedmont Pastel Society Charlotte, North Carolina

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