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Piedmont Pastel Society

PROGRAM / DEMO - Susan Sinyai: "Breathing Life into your Still Life"

  • 30 May 2015
  • 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Community Room of the Matthews Community Center, 100 McDowell Street East, Matthews, NC Program time is 9:30 am till 12:00, and includes some social time and a light snack. Our meetings are open to all PPS members and their guests. (No cost)

Morning Demo:  Susan Sinyai: "Breathing Life into your Still Life"

In this demo, Susan will demonstrate ways to help your Still Life perk up and become successful from the ground up. She will explain and illustrate techniques and materials used in creating the important underpainting, and then the journey towards creating a sense of luminosity.

Community room at MCC. No cost to members or guests. No need to register unless you are also attending the afternoon workshop.

Piedmont Pastel Society Charlotte, North Carolina

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