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Eileen Wilhem


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Living on a horse farm in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, I am never at a loss for images and inspiration. Watching how the light changes with the seasons and trying to capture its beauty. My paintings attempt to recreate the mood, whether a drizzly day in France, foggy sunrise on the mountain, the cocky strutting of a rooster or the curiosity of a pig. The grace of people and animals enchants me so that I must pick up my pastels and paint. I mostly paint everyday scenes, which keep me grounded.

Ever since I could hold a crayon, I have loved to draw. A few years ago i discovered pastels and have been hooked ever since. The vibrancy of the colors and ability to layer them is magical and not for the faint of heart. I consider myself part impressionist, part expressionist and 100% Eileen.

I have been juried into exhibitions at:
• The Milton Rhodes Center for the Arts , Winston Salem
• 311 Gallery, Raleigh
• Red Dog Gallery, Winston Salem
• Hanging Rock Gallery (Solo Exhibit)
• The Apple Gallery (Solo Exhibit)
• Red Dog Gallery Featured Artist exhibit
• The Art Gallery, Greensboro (North Carolina Statewide Juried Pastel Exhibition) Received Award of Excellence

I am a featured local artist at Tim Bruce Galleries in King, Red Dog Gallery in Winston Salem and The Arts Place of Stokes in Danbury. I am a member of Art for Arts Sake, Piedmont Pastel Society, Pastel Society of NC, Associated Artists of Winston Salem, Stokes County Arts Council and Surry Arts Council. I formerly served on the boards of Associated Artists and SECCA
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